Robust business collaboration suite
Currently ArunaLabs is comprised of four solutions, Aruna eMail and Collaboration suite, ArunaIM, ArunaSend and Aruna ERP to provide one complete robust business collaboration package. All Aruna's solutions are web-based and built with the latest technologies for the enterprise. With this set of solutions your organization can benefit from increased productivity of your entire organization by establishing quick and efficient communication links, information exchange and business management.


Network with your external stakeholders
The advantages of these solutions are not limited to your company however, you can securely communicate  with your customers, suppliers, consultants, disparate teams  and distributors. This will enable faster information exchange and communication and enhance the efficiency of your business.


Zero Initial Investment
No hardware, data centers, IT departments nor large up front investments or maintenance costs will be required for companies to benefit from the latest technologies. This also gives you a chance to use your resources for maximizing your profitability and not managing technology.


Company Branding and Customization
Aruna solutions can be branded for your company and customized, so they are and look like an integral part of your company.


Data Storage and Retrieval
Your data is safe with us. You can have peace of mind of having instant access to your data, from any location. Data is backed up and archived and can be retrieved when needed in case of a disaster at your site, a legal discovery or any other circumstance.  Your data is safe with us and we do not under any circumstances use it for any other purpose, than to make sure your company has reliable access. Read our privacy policy for more information.  Read our privacy policy for more information

We make both weekly full and daily incremental backups of your data. 


Security and privacy of your data and communications is of utmost importance to us. Security, maintenance and updates are taken care of by us so you don't have to worry.Our servers are located in Tier 3 data centers with the latest in both server level and physical security measures. Your data is your's, owned by you and we do not use or retain client data for our own purposes. You can have it deleted from the system on request. Please refer to our privacy policy for additional details. We use SSL encryption and most clients choose to have us install custom certificates (with their company info) from major providers such as Comodo or Verisign.  All of our paid services are conducted over 128 bit SSL encryption and security. We only use strong passwords that are hard to guess and / or crack


Secure online payment gateway
Our secure online payment gateway make it easy and convenient to make payments for our services. Our clients can choose the solutions they need and the payment plan that suits. We have various plans to take of every business need. Contact us for more details: .
We make both weekly full and daily incremental backups of your data.  We also provide regular off site data archival to protect against a disaster or catastrophe.  Your data can be retrieved from backup or archival at any time.  We charge an hourly rate for these services at your request. 


Custom Integration
You can use any of our solutions together with your existing solutions. Please enquire for more informations: .


Electronic discovery
Electronic discovery also know as e-discovery is the process of preservation and discovery of data in electronic media to be used as an evidence in a civil or criminal legal case. Data of all types can serve as evidence and in the USA, it is now law that all forms of electronic information and communication must be preserved. This can include text, images, calendar files, databases, spreadsheets, audio files, animation, web sites, and computer programs. e-mail and IM (instant messages) are usually the most common and valuable sources of evidence in litigation proceedings.

The new rules of  Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) that went into effect on December 1, 2006 address both discovery and preservation of evidence issues arising from the ever widening use of and reliance upon electronic data and data storage. It requires that organizations be prepared to locate and produce information in electronic format, including emails, instant messages, files, database and any other form of electronic data during legal litigation.  Businesses must start planning now to address the new requirements.

At Aruna we have set up our systems and policies so that we can aid in quickly providing information and evidence for e-discovery. We offer our clients consutancy and recovery services on a case by case basis to aid in discoveries and avoid sanctions and penalties.